
“Kids & Grandkids” Photo Safari in Africa – to Suit Australian School Holidays

Kids & Grandkids Photo Safari in Africa - in Australian School Holidays

Kids & Grandkids Photo Safari in Africa - in Australian School Holidays


The holiday in Bali, the visit to Disney World and the Pacific Ocean cruise had been done! A number of Australian parents and grandparents informed me they were seeking to introduce their children/grandchildren to a “nature experience” , a “new culture”, “wildlife” or “Africa”. They were looking to give the children/grandchildren a “genuinely intimate encounter with the wild”. In other words, a holiday that offers something very different to holidays around swimming pools and shopping. Yet, it has to be safe and welcoming of children and grandchildren. Could this be arranged? Too big a challenge?

Many parents/grandparents do not not associate African safaris with family holidays, especially for families with younger children. Many people commonly, but incorrectly, assume:

  • African lodges and camps will not accept children unless they are at least 12 years old.
  • Younger children would not appreciate an African safari experience.
  • There are too many dangers and diseases to protect against.
  • The risks of children falling ill in a remote location are too high.
  • Children will be bored on long game drives.
  • It is all too difficult to organise.
  • The tourism infrastructure in African countries is unsophisticated.

Rising to the challenge and turning these assumptions on their head, is what a custom-built safari for families is about. Throw in the magic of photography and a separate cameras for each kid, good help on how to use the cameras and you have a winning formula. I have witnessed it, first hand!


  • An itinerary that is timed to suit the Australian schools holiday calendar.
  • An itinerary that avoids long drives between destinations.
  • The inclusion of ample vehicles so that there is no more than four people, irrespective of age,  in any one vehicle when on game drives and photographing.
  • The careful selection of lodges and camps that can deliver excellent wildlife game viewing and photography experiences and are welcoming of children.
  • The selection of local guides who are very experienced trackers, and who will teach children about old-time hunting skills for stalking game, how they track and find wildlife, get the kids deciphering wildlife footprints, and explain why it is important to protect habitat for the animals, birds, etc. The trackers and kids love this!
  • The inclusion of a few safe night drives using searchlights to find, view and even photograph animals.
  • A game viewing walk with a trained African guide – very safe and highly instructional.
  • The optional provision (at no additional cost) of a Panasonic Lumix TZ-20 (or similar) digital camera for each child, plus some simple lessons in how to use it. This camera has an superb lens that zooms from 28mm to 328mm; a seriously great fun camera for kids in Africa.
  • The children (and parents/grandparents) will be assisted by two professional wildlife photographers, Africa Geographic photographer Shem Compion & Denis Glennon AO.


Please view this as a guide itinerary. It is the one we used for the 2012 children’s photo safari.

Individual itineraries are developed to accommodate the needs of each party.

For convenience, direct links are provided to the website of each lodge/camp we visited on the 2012 photo safari.

To access a website, simply click on the name of the lodge/camp.

1 Oct Arrive South Africa – start of photo safari Waterkloof G/house – 1 night.
2 Oct Transfer to Mashatu Game Reserve Mashatu Main Camp – 3 nights
5 Oct Transfer to Mopane Bush Lodge Mopane Bush Lodge – 3 nights
8 Oct Transfer to Nottens Bush Camp Notens Bush Camp– 1 night
11 Oct Transfer to Graskop Guesthouse Westlodge G/house – 1 night
12 Oct Transfer to J’burg Airport – end of photo safari N/A



Each photo safari for children is custom-made to suit individual timetables and parental requirements. It is best to firstly speak with parents/grandparents to obtain an understanding of timing, number in party, mix of ages, parental expectations and so on. Once this is completed and there is “common ground” on the most suitable destination and itinerary, costs per adult and child will be provided.

Iconic Images is the exclusive representative/agent for C4 Photo Safaris, South Africa, in Australia & New Zealand.

C4 Photo Safaris provides the on-ground logistics for Iconic Images' photo safaris/tours in Africa and is a SATSA member.The SATSA logo signifies that C4 Images & Safaris offers services that are of the highest quality and the company is deemed to be a credible and reliable provider of services to the tourism industry in South Africa. These services are independently audited on an annual basis. SATSA members are bonded, providing a financial guarantee of deposits held against the involuntary liquidation of a SATSA member.

AIPP Australian Institute of Professional Photographers SATSA Southern Africa Tourism Services Association C4 Photos & Safaris

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Kids & Grandkids Photo Safari


If you would like to discuss any aspect of international flights for the photo safari, please contact the booking agent, Flightworld, 200 St. Georges Tce., Perth and request to speak to Mrs Khush Suntoke. Alternatively you can email Khush at

If you would like to discuss any photographic aspect of the tour, please telephone Denis Glennon on 0418 923 103 or send an email to

If this photography tour is not for you, perhaps you might consider forwarding this link to a friend who may like to know about it. Thank you sincerely.


To reserve a place, download, complete and return the form to Our World Travel.

Download: REGISTRATION FORM (PrintablePDF)

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