AW at Work

Three Icons of East Africa with the Legendary Art Wolfe



His astonishing images are a window into a world most of us might other




This exclusive photographic journey provides a rare opportunity to photograph three of Africa’s icons:

  • Elephants of Amboseli – based at the exclusive Tortilis Camp provides us with special access to the Amboseli lake bed where you can capture herds of elephants on the open pans with dramatic storm clouds and dust devils as background. This is photography in still untouched, untameable Africa.
  • Chimpanzee of Mahale – wild chimpanzees in one of the most remote, yet beautiful locations in Africa with deciduous rain forest as your surrounds and the warm turquoise waters of Lake Tanganyika at your feet. In fact, it is quite hard to imagine that anywhere else quite like Mahale exists on this earth.
  • Aerial photography of Lake Natron and Ol Donyo Lengai Volcano – unequaled photography, with doors off, over one of the most remote and harsh, yet sensational landscapes on planet earth.

with guest photographer, the legendary photographer Art Wolfe, as your principal educator.

And, if you can spend few extra days in Africa, I have arranged an optional extension that includes:

  • Two nights in Franschhoek Valley, arguably South Africa’s premier wine growing area. Its captivating landscapes and world-class cuisine are sure to create lasting memories. 
  • Two nights in Cape Town with accommodation in the awe inspiring luxury 32.3 meter Super Yacht, Kiara, a superb, privately owned retreat, moored in a prime location at the historic Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town with breathtaking panoramic views of Table Mountain, Signal Hill and Lions Head. I have hired the super yacht exclusively for our group.
  • Attendance at all sessions of the “Wild Shots” Photography Symposium 2015, at which Art Wolfe is the keynote speaker.

A person can visit Africa many times to view and photograph its spectacular wildlife and scenery, but it requires a discerning eye to appreciate the iconic wildlife species and destinations of Africa. I continually seek new and ‘less-traveled-by-others’ destinations and for each photographic journey.

I have compiled an itinerary which will not only introduce you to three of East Africa’s iconic wildlife destinations but an optional extension which reveals a side of South Africa you possibly may not know exists.

This photographic journey is not about specifically seeking lions or leopards or ‘big cats’. I anticipate those interested in this journey will already have undertaken a number of such ‘photo safaris’ with others.

I wish to introduce you an Africa you perhaps did not know about, nor had expected you would ever have the opportunity to witness and photograph, in the company of Art Wolfe – one of the most awarded photographers on the planet today.

The photography of these three Icons of Africa is a change from the norm. It is carefully selected composition of experiences of what these parts of Africa reveal for those who dare to find them.

You will learn from a true Master of photography how to capture the expanse of an African landscape from land and air, and photograph exquisite art in places you never thought existed. While you learn about technique, Art’s approach to composition will transform your photography, not merely add to it.

This small group photographic journey has been created for photographers who have a passion for traveling “to the edge” in search of compelling images and enjoy the option of sampling some of South Africa’s finest wines, dine in a select few of its best restaurants and finish off with a stimulating photography symposium in Cape Town.

We have selected two of the best lodges/camps:

whilst we prepare for the astonishing  aerial photography over Lake Natron & the active volcano, Ol Donyo Lengai, you will stay at “an institution” in Tanzania

To find out more about each lodge/camp, click on the individual links above. Linger for a while on each, imagining you were there. You will appreciate the extremely high standard of accommodation chosen. You will experience the best of African lodges; they are world class.

Portrait of Art Wolfe.Art Wolfe is one of the great American photographers of this century.

His astonishing images are a window into a world most of us might otherwise never see.

Over a lifetime of creating these images he has transformed nature and wildlife photography into an art form.

He has devoted his life to photographing, preserving and recording wildlife, nature, remote cultures and the environment.

He has travelled to the edges of the earth to capture his signature images. These images are instantly recognizable for their mastery of composition, perspective and artistic expression.

Looking at his photographs you can sense the connection he makes with his subjects when he presses the shutter button. His lens seems to seek the very soul of his subjects.

He has produced in excess of 80 exquisite books and appeared in and produced dozens of TV programs and documentaries, all with the purpose of promoting conservation, and increasing our appreciation of the natural world, knowing these will have a direct effect on our stewardship of the planet’s disappearing wildlife, fragile ecosystems and native cultures.

Long before the genre of ‘conservation photography’ was conceived Art Wolfe was practicing it. He was away ahead of his time and he is still pushing these boundaries. Some of his most recent published work, Human Canvas, is a bold step in an entirely new direction into the world of fine art photography. It is an authoritative testimony to his endless energy and creative capacity.

Art has garnished a massive international following, perhaps in part because his images have that intangible ingredient that makes them especially magical – so close-up, so crisply sharp, so animated and so penetrating.

For those fortunate to photograph alongside Art Wolfe, a number of unique qualities soon become indisputably clear, qualities such as:

  • His immense respect for his surroundings
  • His empathy with, and fellow feeling for, those he is photographing in these surroundings, however diverse
  • His calm demeanour
  • His polite persistence on perfection
  • His keen eye for compelling composition
  • His elusive, intuitive ability to reveal images in settings where others will simply walk past. He modestly calls this kind of photography “unintended art”.

You will experienced these attributes when you and he photograph together whether it be on land, in a vehicle or from a helicopter.

The abstractions that occur in nature are wondrous and demanding, but require an open mind and intuitive eye to select powerful compositions and produce fine prints that resonate over time.

Art Wolfe is fortunate to be particularly gifted with both of the attributes.

He loves to teach. He is one of the world’s best pictorial story tellers and he considers teaching to be a very noble profession.

You will find there is a deeper side to this extraordinary photographer. He works really hard. His legacy of work speaks for itself and his best is yet to come.

His instruction is infectious. People are eager to learn from him and come away absolutely inspired, eager to try his unique approaches and compositional styles in their own photography.

He is a master teacher, an artist, one of the finest photographers alive today.


There are so many. Here are my choices:

  • The itinerary completely avoids Kenya’s “trouble spots” and all areas of recently reported disturbances and travel risks – your travel insurance should not be negated by the current official government travel warnings. This is an important consideration for me and I will continue to monitor latest developments.
  • Traveling for nearly three weeks in the company of one of the most awarded and respected photographers of the past quarter of a century.
  • To photograph Amboseli’s herds of tuskers is to return to a place more primal than you may have ever known. Situated at a distance from other camps, you will see little human activity and should be able to absorb and photograph the wild in near exclusivity.
  • Use of the private concession that has access to the Amboseli lake bed – this is the best place in the world to photograph elephant herds walking across an open, dry lake bed with storm clouds as your backdrop.
  • Four nights at Mahale Greystoke camp tracking chimps and photographing them in the Mahale forests. These are an incredible iconic species of Africa that are far more active and photogenic than the more publicised gorillas.
  • Spend time with chimpanzees as they run, play and move all around you. This simply is one of the most amazing sights in Africa watching and photographing animals with 98% of the human DNA, within arms reach.
  • Only one person per row when you photograph from a vehicle – a level of luxury enjoyed by few.
  • Aerial photography of Lake Natron and Ol Donyo Lengai – an exhilarating and unforgettable way to end a photo safari over one of the most inhospitable areas in Africa. Expect landscapes and scenes that you did not know exist to present themselves to you in all their photogenic glory as you fly over them in privately chartered aircraft with doors off.
  • The optional extension to Franchhoek, one of the premier and most beautiful wine production areas of South Africa. The superlative landscape photography will surprise and delight you.
  • Stay aboard the luxury super yacht, Kiara, moored in the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, South Africa’s most visited destination, situated between Robben Island and Table Mountain in the heart of Cape Town’s working harbour.
  • Attend the premier photography symposium in Africa – “Wild Shots”, in Cape Town.

You will be accompanied by three passionate wildlife photographers who will provide every assistance to you – the Art Wolfe (USA), Shem Compion (South Africa) and Denis Glennon AO (Australia).

Our aim is to ensure you come home with the best possible images and unforgettable memories of a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience photographing this “very different” Africa.

With not more than one person per seat row you will appreciate the extra space whilst photographing. This arrangement caters especially well for photographers using larger telephoto lenses and yet allows enough space for spouses/partners who just wish to sit, in peace and enjoy the special spirit of Africa.



A number of terrorist incidents have occurred in Kenya since December 2013 resulting in deaths and injuries; see Safety and Security: Terrorism  for details.

The Australian and other Western governments continue to advise their respective citizens to either not travel or reconsider their need to travel, to Nairobi, the Mombasa region and in particular to the northern parts of Kenya, due to the high threat of terrorist attack and high level of crime. Ignoring such warnings frequently results in an annulment and withdrawal of travel insurance cover in the event of a claim.

So as to absolutely minimize the risk of such annulment, the itinerary and destinations for this photo safari have been carefully planned.

The photo safari commences and finishes at Kilimanjaro International Airport, Tanzania. Amboseli is in the southern-most part on Kenya, on the border with Tanzania and we will access Amboseli and Tortilis Camp by a short road transfer from Arusha, thus avoiding Nairobi Airport and an overnight stay in Nairobi. Also those wishing to join the optional extension in South Africa will fly from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Johannesburg via Dar es Salaam and not via Nairobi.

Dates & Summary Itinerary

The photo safari commences and finishes at Kilimanjaro International Airport, Tanzania on 10 and 20 October 2015, respectively.

Direct links to the accommodation are provided; click on name of the accommodation you wish to visit.

10 Oct Arrive Kilimanjaro International Airport – start of photo safari Arusha Coffee Lodge – 1 night
11 Oct Road transfer to Amboseli Tortilis Camp – 3 nights
14 Oct Road transfer to Arusha Arusha Coffee Lodge  – 1 night
15 Oct Air transfer to Mahale Greystoke Lodge – 4 nights
19 Oct Air transfer to Arusha Arusha Coffee Lounge – 1 night
20 Oct Aerial photography over Lake Natron & Ol Donyo Lengai volcano and road transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport – end of photo safari  N/A

You can download the more comprehensive itinerary by clicking the DOWNLOAD ITINERARY button in the sidebar.

Details of the optional extension to Franschhoek Valley, Cape Town and the “Wild Shots” photography symposium in South Africa are provided in the “Extension” tab.

Costs, Terms of Payment, How to Register & International Flights

Iconic Images is obligated to pay the costs of the photo safari in US dollars.


The cost is US$15,850 per person, twin share, (or the equivalent in AU$ at the time of making the final payment).

A single supplement of US$2,400 per person (or the equivalent in AU$ at the time of making payment) for unshared accommodation  applies, if specifically requested.

This single supplement is to be paid at the time of registration. There are only two single supplement/unshared accommodation places available.

All tours are priced in US dollars . For your convenience and to minimize currency exchange risks, payments should only be made (in US dollars) to the US dollar bank account of the travel agent, Our World Travel.

For details of this account please contact either Janet or Nick Missikos on +61 8 9221 9977 or send an email to or

Should you wish to use your credit card for payment in US dollars please check with your bank or financial institution to determine the most cost effective way to do so.

Terms of Payment

  • A non-refundable 25% deposit together with a completed Registration Form, on or before Friday 27 February 2015.
  • A second non-refundable payment of 25% on or before Friday 24 April 2015.
  • A final payment of the remaining 50%, on or before Friday 31 July 2015.

How to Register

Click the “REGISTRATION FORM” button in the sidebar, download the form, complete it and follow the instructions for return to Our World Travel.

International Flights

Should you require help with flight bookings for this photo safari please contact Nick Missikos at the OWT office for professional travel help. In the event you intend booking flights yourself, using your frequent flyer points or other means, Nick has offered his assistance to all participants in Icionic Images’ tours, to ensure they get best available/most cost effective flights for their desired routing.

Iconic East Africa

Extension – Photograph Franschhoek Valley, stay on super yacht “Kiara” in Cape Town Harbour & attend the “Wild Shots 2015” photography symposium in Cape Town

The extension starts on Tuesday 20 Oct at Kilimanjaro International Airport, (i.e. immediately after the photo safari finishes) and finishes in Cape Town on Sunday 25 October 2015 and includes:

  1. Economy class flight from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Johannesburg, via Dar es Salaam, on 20 Oct.
  2. Transfer from J’burg airport to Villa Sterne Boutique Hotel, Pretoria on 20 Oct.
  3. Overnight accommodation at Villa Sterne Boutique Hotel, Pretoria on 20 Oct.
  4. Transfer from Villa Sterne to J’burg airport on 21 Oct.
  5. Economy class flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town on 21 Oct.
  6. Transfer from Cape Town airport to Franschhoek Valley on 21 Oct.
  7. Accommodation at Grand Provence, Franschhoek on 21 & 22 Oct.
  8. Photography shoots in and around the Franschhoek Valley on the afternoon of 21 Oct, and early morning and afternoon of 22 Oct.
  9. Optional photography shoot on morning of 23 Oct.
  10. Transfer Franschhoek Valley to Cape Town early afternoon of 23 Oct.
  11. Accommodation on super yacht Kiara, in Cape Town harbour and in Victoria & Alfred Hotel, located within 50 meters of super yacht Kiara, on 23 & 24 Oct. [Allocation of accommodation will be determined in Franschoek]
  12. Attendance at the all-day “Wild Shots” Wildlife Photography Symposium in Cape Town on 24 Oct. Art Wolfe is the keynote speaker.
  13. Transfer from Cape Town accommodation to Cape Town International Airport on 25 Oct.
  14. All meals commencing with dinner in Pretoria on 20 Oct. and concluding with breakfast on 25 Oct.
  15. All wines and alcoholic drinks during lunches and dinners. (Premium spirits excluded).

The pricing of the extension is based on a minimum of six (6) participants.

There is accommodation for a total of eight participants, sharing accommodation, on the super yacht, Kiara. Places will be allocated on a “first to register” basis. There is no unshared accommodation available on the yacht.

If more than eight people register for the extension or a person requires an unshared room, accommodation will be at the nearby Victoria & Alfred Hotel, located within 50 metres of the super yacht, Kiara.

The cost of the Extension is US$3,850 per person (or the equivalent in AU$ at the time of making the final payment), with a non-refundable 50% payable on registration and the balance payable on or before Fri 31 July 2015.

If an unshared room is specifically requested, a  single supplement of US$895.00 applies, and is payable on registration for the extension.

Franschhoek Valley

Nestled between towering mountains in the beautiful Cape wine lands lies the magnificent Franschhoek Valley. This is the food and wine heartland of South Africa, where splendid vines are grown. Here breath-taking scenery, warm hospitality, world class cuisine and the finest wines all combine to create lasting memories and outstanding photographs.

Spectacular vineyards cover the mountain slopes settled more than 300 years ago by the Huguenots, who brought with them their age-old French wine and food culture. This is a valley rich in history centered around a picturesque village of friendly, welcoming people – only 45 minutes from Cape Town.

We have reserved the entire accommodation at the 300-year old Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate for our exclusive use. Once you draw yourself away from all the attractions of Grande Provence, the Huguenot-settled village of Franschhoek is merely minutes away, historic wine farms, stunning scenery and activities nearby and Cape Town under an hour away by car. Grande Provence Estate is the perfect base from which to explore and photograph this wonderful corner of South Africa.

Wild Shots Photography Symposium 2015

The keynote speaker is Art Wolfe and the programme for the 2015 symposium is currently being finalised. It will be uploaded to my website as soon as it becomes available.

To get a flavour of the event you can peruse the 2014 program at: Wild Shots 2014.

2015 will be the 4th year of wild shots in South Africa. It is a highly inspiring day with amazing talks by excellent photographers. It promises to be an excellent day of photography.

On the last evening we have a special farewell dinner planned for those participating in the extension.

If You Would Like More Details

If you would like to discuss any aspect of international flights for the photo safari, please contact the sole booking agent, Our World Travel, Shop 1/113 Royal Street, East Perth  WA  6004 and request to speak to Mr Nick Missikos. His telephone number is +61 8 9221 9977 or email him @

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the photo safari, before making a decision to join us, please contact Denis Glennon AO on 0418 923 103 or email me @

Ensure you download the comprehensive itinerary PDF containing most of the information you will initially need, by clicking on “DOWNLOAD ITINERARY’ in the sidebar.

If this photo safari is not for you, perhaps you might consider forwarding the information to a friend, who may like to know about it.

Visas, Yellow Fever Certificate and Pre-departure Information

Visa Requirements

Australian and US citizens require a visa for entry to both  Tanzania and Kenya . Other passport holders should ensure they check if they require visas.

I encourage you to obtain your visas at the relevant consulate or embassy in your home country rather than waiting until you arrive in Africa.

Trying to obtain a visa on arrival can frequently be “a hassle” and time consuming. The queues can be long and very slow moving; this is not the best way to commence your photo safari after a long and tiring international flight.

For helpful information on whether you require a visa and how to obtain one, please click on these links:

Yellow Fever Certificate

As we will be visiting Kenya (Amboseli) you are strongly advised to check the requirements for holding a current yellow fever certificate.

If you plan to enter South Africa from Kenya (e.g. from Nairobi International Airport) you will not be allowed to board the flight to Johannesburg unless you can produce a current certificate.

You may be asked to produce the certificate on arrival in Johannesburg; requests appear to be made on a random basis.

Additionally please check the requirements for re-entering your home country.

As a precaution, I always travel with a current certificate.

In 25+ years of re-entering Australia from Africa I have been required to produce a current yellow fever certificate on three occasions; again requests appear to be made on a random basis.

Pre-departure Information & Checklist

To assist you prepare for this photo safari I have compiled a comprehensive, downloadable and printable PDF. It contains helpful information on:

  1. Traveling with and looking after photographic equipment in Africa.
  2. Downloading and backing-up images every day.
  3. Power supply in East Africa and South Africa for charging batteries, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
  4. Vehicle etiquette and consideration for fellow passengers and photographers.
  5. Keeping healthy in Africa.
  6. Money Matters in East Africa and South Africa.
  7. Immigration and Customs at Kilimanjaro International Airport, Tanzania.
  8. Arrangements to meet you on arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport.
  9. Travel documents, personal items & clothing checklist
  10. Personal medical items checklist.
  11. Camera equipment checklist – this is a comprehensive list and you should not be overwhelmed.
  12. Summary itinerary.
  13. Guide to paying gratuities on this photo safari.
  14. Denis’ choice of lenses and other camera equipment for this photo safari.

The information in this PDF will help you to remember to pack your selection of camera equipment and other essential items so that you return home with a great collection of iconic images, and many magnificent memories.

A copy of this Pre-departure Information & Checklist will be forwarded to registered participants, approximately sixty days before commencement of the photo safari.

View Larger Map

Mahale Mountain National Park


If you would like to discuss any aspect of international flights for the photo safari, please contact please contact the sole booking agent, Our World Travel, Shop 1/113 Royal Street, East Perth  WA  6004 and request to speak to Mr Nick Missikos. His telephone number is +61 8 9221 9977 or email him @

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the photo safari, before making a decision to join us, please contact:

Denis Glennon AO on 0418 923 103 or


Download the PDF containing full details on payment terms and registration, the itinerary, what is/is not included, cancellation policy and fees, compulsory travel insurance, health considerations, responsibility, liability, and packing camera gear for travel.

Download: Detailed Itinerary & Other Important Information (Printable PDF)


To reserve a place, download, complete and return the form to Our World Travel.

Download: REGISTRATION FORM (PrintablePDF)


Iconic Images is the exclusive representative/agent for C4 Photo Safaris, South Africa, in Australia & New Zealand.

C4 Photo Safaris provides the on-ground logistics for Iconic Images' photo safaris/tours in Africa and is a SATSA member. The SATSA logo signifies that C4 Photo Safaris offers services that are of the highest quality and the company is deemed to be a credible and reliable provider of services to the tourism industry in South Africa. These services are independently audited on an annual basis. SATSA members are bonded, providing a financial guarantee of deposits held against the involuntary liquidation of a SATSA member.

AIPP Australian Institute of Professional Photographers SATSA Southern Africa Tourism Services Association C4 Images & Safaris
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