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Aerial Photography Masterclass – Art Revealed From Above

Kingston Reef, Rottnest Island - Art Revealed From Above

Kingston Reef, Rottnest Island - Art Revealed From Above

Overview – The Art of Aerial Photography

“Learn to see and then you will know there is no end to the worlds of our vision”.

                                                                                                                                       [Carlos Casteneda]

Tony Hewitt, AIPP Grand Master Photographer and Australian Professional Photographer of the Year 2013 and Denis Glennon AO present the first of their 2015 Masterclass series.

For this Masterclass we return to Rottnest Island for “The Art of Aerial Photography”.

The major focus is aerial photography using our own charter plane.

As far as we can determine, this aerial photography Masterclass is a first for Western Australia.

A variety of inspirational presentations by Tony and Denis are also included.

Aerial photography offers a decidedly different perspective compared to shooting at ground level.

It is a rewarding, challenging and enriching experience as it can produce spectacular images that look quite different to any other photography you have ever done. Put simply, things look different from above!

The flights  and aerial photography will concentrate on the western, southern and northern bays to capture the pristine and raw beauty of the island’s interface of sea and landscapes.

We will seek to capture images that are both literal and abstract interpretations of the boundary that separates land from shallow and deep water.

You will love the high-winged aircraft we have chosen – minimal obstructions getting between your lens and your subject.

The techniques you will learn can also be used when photographing from a helicopter or balloon.

The Masterclass is confined to a maximum of twelve (12) participants and we require a minimum of eight (8) participants for it to proceed.


  • Participate in what may be a first for you – aerial photography. Both Tony & Denis have spent many hours photographing from helicopters, fixed wing planes and balloons – Tony in Australasia and Denis in Australia and a number of countries in Africa.
  • We will use our own chartered Cessna 210 and a pilot who has extensive experience in working with photographers.
  • You will have two aerial photography sessions of 20-30 mins duration – two photographers accompanied by either Tony or Denis per flight.
  • The aerial photography, at 1,500 – 2,000 feet, through open windows, will focus on the amazing colours, textures and natural compositions celebrated in the beautiful bays and seascapes of the island. [No door(s) will be removed for photography].
  • Before you fly, we will review a number of aerial images taken by Tony & Denis to reveal “behind the shot” details.
  • Ethics and personal safety when photographing from small planes.
  • Finding unintended (hidden) art in the mix of seascapes/landscapes unique to Rottnest’s coastline.
  • We will take you through the quipment selection and camera settings to maximise the capture of good images when photographing from a small plane.
  • you will receive assistance with the post processing of your own aerial images.
  • Learn how to “stop looking and begin seeing” in photography.
  • Learn as we reveal the part the “inner eye” plays in the process of exploring light, the environment, seascapes, landscapes, heritage architecture, flora and fauna of the island as subject matters for photographic art.
  • Strengthening the connection between unbridled imagination, child-like curiosity, self-confidence and capture (or discerning when not to press the shutter
  • How to seek and find the elusive veil in which great photographs come cloaked, whether they be portraits, landscapes, seascapes, or aerial images.
  • Participate in sunrise and sunset shoots as we discover the unique beauty and moods of the island.
  • Sessions where we will provide “gentle and constructive” comments on your photographs.

What’s Included?

It is a “total package” Masterclass and includes:

  • Return Rottnest Express Ferry tickets (depart Fremantle on Fri 22th May at 3.15 pm and depart Rottnest Island on the morning ferry on Mon 25th May). Ferry details will be sent to all registered participants.
  • Shared accommodation in Geordie Bay, close to the Country Club (five cottages adjacent to each other for the exclusive use of Masterclass participants).
  • All meals, (excluding alcohol) – dinner/BBQ on Fri, Sat & Sun evenings, breakfast on Sat, Sun & Mon morning, light lunch/food platter on Sat and Sun and morning & afternoon tea/coffee
  • Transport for sunrise and sunset shoots – final selection of locations will be influenced by the prevailing weather and light on that weekend..
  • Transport to/from airport.
  • Attendance at all Masterclass tutorials and aerial shoots on Sat and Sun.
  • All flights for the aerial photography.


Fri 22nd, Sat 23th, Sun 24th & Mon 25th May 2015.

We depart Fremantle on Friday on the 3.15pm ferry and depart Rottnest Island on Monday on the mid-morning ferry.

Ferry departure details will be provided to all participants in advance.

Cost & How to Register


The cost is $2,195.00 per person, payable in full at the time of registration.

This cost includes two flights for aerial photography.

You will automatically receive a receipt upon registration and payment.

This receipt is your confirmation of registration; please retain it in a safe place and take it with you to Rottnest Island..

You may use Visa or MasterCard, or PayPal when registering.

How to Register

To register, click the “Buy Now” button below, and follow the prompts.

Please note registrations will be accepted in the order received.

The Masterclass is confined to a maximum of twelve (12) participants and we require a minimum of eight (8) participants for it to proceed.

Should you wish to read the Terms & Provisions of Registration, please click: Terms & Provisions of Registration

What Equipment Do I Need?

There is no necessity to purchase special camera equipment for this Masterclass.

Before flying you will be provided with detailed guidance on optimum camera settings and shooting techniques.

Also before flying, Tony & Denis will present a series of images they have taken from the air and will take you through the process, including the equipment and settings they used to capture these images.

We suggest you take along the following items of gear:

  • The camera(s) you normally use.
  • The manual(s) for the camera(s), either a hard copy or an electronic copy on your tablet or laptop.
  • A few spare memory cards for your camera(s).
  • A wide angle lens (e.g. 16-35mm, 18-55mm, 24-70mm or 24-105mm or other in these ranges).
  • A medium telephoto lens (e.g. 18-300mm, 55-200mm, 70-200mm, 100-400mm or other in these ranges).
  • Lens cleaning cloths.
  • Blower brush (in case dust/sand gets into the camera when changing lenses)
  • Circular Polarizer lens.
  • Graduated ND Filters and holder (if you normally use them and already own them).
  • A solid tripod (for landscape and low light photography).
  • A ball head for your tripod.
  • Remote control (if you already own one).
  • Laptop loaded with a working copy of Lightroom or Photoshop or other image post-processing software.
  • External hard drive (as you normally use for backing up images).
  • Chargers and associated power leads for laptop and camera battery charger(s).

In addition to the camera gear, ensure you take along:

  • A warm top or jumper.
  • Good pair of walking shoes (for sunrise & sunset shoots).
  • Sun cream.
  • Sun glasses.
  • Wide brimmed hat.
  • Insect repellent.
  • Reading glasses (if you normally wear them).
  • Personal medications (if normally used).

If You Would Like More Details

If you have any queries before registering, please drop an email to: or call me on 0418 923 103 or to or call Tony on 0411 555 508

If you would like to see some of Tony’s photographic work, please click: Tony Hewitt

to see some of Denis’ latest images, please click: Denis’ Images

Tony & I look forward to you joining us for what promises to be a great and different weekend of photography.

If this Masterclass is not for you, perhaps you might consider forwarding the information to a friend, who may like to know about it.

Some Sample Images

To see some  of Tony’s images, taken from the plane (with the same pilot) we will use for the Masterclass, click: Aerial Images by Tony.

To see a few of my images taken in various countries, some from planes and some from balloons, click: Aerial Images by Denis.

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Rottnest Island


If you have any queries before registering, please drop an email to: or call me on 0418 923 103 or to or call Tony on 0411 555 508

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